Grain Drying Architecture

Western Grain Dryer Inc., has been leading the way in design and innovation of modern mixed flow grain dryers and control systems since 1979 across North America. The name “Western Grain Dryer” is known far beyond Canada as an experienced innovator, designer, and manufacturer of new grain dryers, as well as grain drying and grain handling technology, and electrical control systems.


Along with the production of the world’s high capacity and most energy efficient grain dryers, Western Grain Dryer designs and manufactures a large selection of our own brand dryers to fit customers’ needs and offer custom-designed automatic control systems. We hold a commitment to ongoing developments of innovative technology to manufacture grain dryers with near-zero greenhouse gas emissions.


At the same time, we provide a comprehensive service to existing owners of VERTEC, IBEC and many more brands of non-screen grain dryers for preventative maintenance, troubleshooting, repair and upgrading. Energy efficient dryer retrofit kits are also available for those dryers including burners, tiers, roofs, temperature controllers and moisture controllers, etc.